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Sharing Ideas...
Stan Dehaene, Phyllis Hattis & Paul Andreu
Elizabeth Spelke, Josh Tenenbaum, Phyllis Hattis & Brian Kennedy
Conference Highlights
Dedication to Anne Treisman by Nancy Kanwisher and Stanislas Dehaene
Colin Blakemore, University of London
Stanislas Dehaene, Collège de France
Brian Kennedy & Adam Levine
Toledo Museum of Art
Paul Andreu, Architect
Bernar Venet, Artist
Elizabeth Spelke, Harvard University
Josh Tenenbaum, MIT
2019 MacArthur Fellow
Nancy Kanwisher, MIT
Francesco d'Errico, University of Bordeaux
Jill Cook, The British Museum
Yves Le Fur, Musée du Quai Branly
Ghislaine Dehaene, CNRS
Maya Bar-Hillel, Hebrew University
Barbara Tversky, Stanford and Columbia
Matias Sablé-Meyer, ENS Paris Saclay
Brenden Lake, NYU
Marie Amalric, Rochester University
Véronique Izard, CNRS
Gemma Anderson, Falmouth University
Gemma Anderson, Drawing & Visualization
Copyright 2019 Centre L'Oubradou, All rights reserved.
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